
Opening up about your fears, frustrations, even your hopes and dreams is easier said than done. But learning how to do it is easier than you think. It's assumed that public speaking is a skill that can be practiced, speaking privately, and intimately, is a skill set that can be mastered as well. If you need help finding the words to explain yourself, then consider private speaking lessons. Three one-hour lessons will teach you how you come across to others and how to adjust your words to match what you're trying to say.

A Master's of Self is a verbal commitment to therapy for approximately two years. A two-year investment for better relationships and a better understanding of yourself. You can attend full-time (once a week) or part-time (twice a month). The full-time program will get you results faster but sometimes life's schedule doesn't have space for meeting once a week.

A Ph.D. of Self is a verbal commitment to therapy for approximately four years. Untangling complex problems that have taken years to develop will take years to unravel. Over four years, you'll delve deeply into your history and your relationships. You can attend full-time (once a week) or part-time (twice a month). The full-time program will get you results faster but sometimes life's schedule doesn't have space for meeting once a week.